воскресенье, 26 июня 2016 г.

Итальянская паста

Об итальянской лапше: тонарелли, тальятелле, феттуччине, паппарделле

25 вкуснейших видов пасты, про которые должен знать каждый любитель итальянской кухни


Agnolotti [aɲoˈlɔtti] is a type of pasta typical of the Piedmont region of Italy, made with small pieces of flattened pasta dough, folded over a filling of roasted meat or vegetables. Agnolotti is the plural form of the Italian word agnolotto. The origin of the name may come from the name 'Angelot' from Montferrat, who is said to be the inventor of the recipe, or from the Latin word 'anellus', which refers to the ring-shaped material within the pasta.

Agnolotti piemontesi al sugo di arrosto
(Mendrisio,Switzerland, Osteria Lanterna)

Cannelloni -  Канеллони
Толстые макароны-трубочки или блинчики
Cannelloni ricotta e spinaci - Malpensa Aeroporto


Fregula (also fregola) is a type of pasta from Sardegna. It is similar to North African Berkoukes and Israeli ptitim. Fregula comes in varying sizes, but typically consists of semolina dough that has been rolled into balls 2–3 mm in diameter and toasted in an oven.
A typical preparation of fregula is to simmer it in a tomato-based sauce with clams. Wiki

(Mendrisio,Switzerland, Ristorante Pizzeria Stella)

Mezzemaniche con fave, pecorino e guanciale croccante ("Il Cantinone", Perugia)

Paccheri  - Паккери
 is a type of pasta in the shape of a very large tube, originating from Campania. 
Paccheri Gamberi, Zucchine e Pomodori (restaurant in Hotel Promenade, Montesilvano)
Pappardelle - Паппарделле are large, very broad, flat pasta noodles, similar to wide fettuccine - Wiki.
Pappardelle & Nebbiolo wine ("Da Michele", Torino)

Rigatoni al arrabiata ("Ferrari", Perugia)

Spaghetti con alici, olive verdi, zeste di limone e panura tostata (Fiumicino)

Strangozzi ("Regina", Perugia)

Tagliatelle al tartufo nero ("Altromondo", Perugia)

Tagliolini (Taglierini) - Тальолини
is a type of ribbon pasta, long like Spaghetti, two to three mm or roughly a tenth of an inch wide, similar to tagliatelle, but thin like Capellini.

Тальолини с рагу из телятины и фондю качио э пепе - Кафе де Пари, Минск

Tubetoni - Тубетони  - короткие макаронины  с рифленой поверхностью.

Tubettoni fagioli e cozze ("Rossopomodoro", Malpensa Aeroporto)

Umbricelli con sugo di cinghiale ("Al Mangiar Bene", Perugia)

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